Perspectives | taking the conversation further

Thanksgiving Musings

Written by Bruce Peters | Nov 27, 2019 7:27:21 PM

Good Writing Is Clear Thinking Made Visible

The above was the quote on the
fortune cookie I received last evening at Sushi with my grandson.

I thought this was a good morning to pass this along.


I have several meetings today... all in the service of:

1.   Getting ready for my Israel trip with my grandchildren
2.  Wrapping up 2019 Client Work
3.  Planning early 2020.... in all its facets
4.  Procrastinating generally.

All of this is wrapped into trying to make this "Grateful Holiday Weekend" as productive as possible in support of above and my soul. The pressure's on as this weekend is the last, best interlude before heading to Israel.

I'm thankful for so many things but annoyed with the idea that it takes a holiday to acknowledge. The annoyance is mostly with myself for not taking as much time to both thank others and acknowledge, or just "be" grateful.

There is something about the state of gratefulness that holds the possibility for illuminating our better selves( angels). What would it be like to accept each moment with an attitude or sense of gratefulness? Honor each moment, give each moment meaning.... with acceptance of its gift and the inquiry of "what's this?

I'm grateful for knowing I can write this, that you'll actually read it, and you will "yes, and," with the benefit of your own unique perspective.

If this is all an illusion then it seems incumbent upon us to make the best of it.

Happy Thanksgiving!