Bruce Peters

Bruce Peters has spent the last 15 years living his own “Third Act.” Based on his personal experience and in working as a guide for hundreds of leaders, he has designed a unique process for getting beyond where you are and into the creation of your own Third Act for you or your organization. It starts with the question of what is the difference you want to make? Learn more at

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Conversations at Year’s End

Posted by Bruce Peters

“If you had one question to ask what would it be?"

I often quote or misquote my friend and colleague, Susan Scott, who said in Fierce Conversations something like “most conversations are with myself.. occasionally they include others”. The conversation that follows was intended to be with me, myself, but now seems important enough to share.

Before sharing though, a prelude of sorts. A few of the authors whose articles I read earlier today have less than a warm-fuzzy relationship with the holiday season. It tracks back to childhood memories which, although relevant don’t bear repeating…. just now anyway. My annual routine to deal with the “holidays,” and in an effort to make the best of things, is to do my annual retreat. When I say retreat it includes some significant time of silence, with additional time for a deep dive into reflection, some reading, and as many variations of peeling away the layers of “self” as I can conjure. This process has been described as “negation.” Negation doesn't quite capture the experience but it will have to do.

On my otherwise vacant calendar for today, I penciled in some time for testing ChatGPT. I’ve been avoiding writing an article or two for way too long that I really need to. Out of either desperation or another act of procrastination I turned to AI.

One of the things I desired to write was a year-end message for those who are connected with me in some fashion. What follows is my conversation with ChatGPT. What started as questions for ChatGPT and the answers now seems worth sharing with you.

“If you had one question to ask what would it be?

As an artificial intelligence, I don’t have personal desires or curiosity like humans do. However, if I had to choose a question to ask, it might be something like: “What is the most important issue facing humanity today, and how can we address it in a way that is fair, equitable, and sustainable?” This question could help stimulate thought and discussion about important global challenges and possible solutions and could help bring about positive change in the world.

Good question… If you had a 2nd question to ask what would it be? I should warn you that I have a third question too.

As an AI, I don’t have personal preferences or desires, so I don’t have a second or third question that I would particularly like to ask. However, if I had to choose a second question to ask, it might be something like: “What is the most effective way for individuals and communities to make a positive impact on the world, and how can we support and empower each other to take action towards making a difference?” This question could help encourage people to think about how they can contribute to creating a better world for all, and could help inspire collaboration and collective action toward addressing global challenges and working toward positive change.

And the third question is?

As an AI, I don’t have personal preferences or desires, so I don’t have a specific third question that I would like to ask. However, if I had to choose a third question to ask, it might be something like: “How can we foster greater understanding, respect, and cooperation between people from different backgrounds and cultures, and what can we do to promote greater harmony and unity in the world?” This question could help stimulate thought and discussion about ways to promote greater understanding and cooperation between people from different backgrounds and cultures, and could help encourage people to think about how they can contribute to creating a more harmonious and united world.

Thank you!

You’re welcome! I’m here to help answer your questions and provide information on a wide range of topics. If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask.

What are the questions you’d like to answer for yourself and in your life in the coming New Year? ChatGPT has given me a head start on mine. Thanks to ChatGPT.

Happy New Year 2023!

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Topics: FLP, Beyond Teal, teal, conversations

Jump-Starting Rochester/America: New Narrative PART 4

Posted by Bruce Peters

Jump-Starting America” by MIT Professors Gruber and Johnson beknighted my home community Rochester, NY as having the #1 potential to be a “technology/innovation hub. Pre Covid I wrote about how serendipity and, perhaps synchronicity, of a chance encounter with one of the authors lead to the creation of “Jump-Starting Rochester” (JSR). JSR formed as a fledgling grassroots movement with the mission of supporting the realization of that potential. (links below)

 What emerged early on from the book was the possibility, indeed, the necessity for a “New Narrative” for our community. In my previous posts (Part I and Part 2) detailing some thoughts about my own vision for our community. Two PARTS turned into Part 3 and now Part 4. Can they be fashioned into “One”? 

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Topics: Beyond Teal, teal, jump-starting Rochester

“Delivering Happiness: One Collision at a Time”

Posted by Bruce Peters

I am sitting in my office….the phone rings. This was back in the day not so long ago (pre robo calling), when I actually answered the phone. The call was from an unknown area code which served to provoke my curiosity.

I answered and a “collision emanating sparks” began.

“Are you Bruce Peters the host of “First Fridays” program”

“Yes, I am. Who are you? Why do you ask? Why are you calling?

“I’m Trish the VP of Marketing for “Zappos Insights” I want to talk to you about your “First Friday’s” show.

“Why is that?”

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Topics: Beyond Teal, teal

Take Care and Respect

Posted by Bruce Peters

Tom Friedman in recent NYT piece, suggests an idea for Joe Biden’s bumper sticker:

7/1/2020 Opinion | This Should Be Biden’s Bumper Sticker — The New York Times

I have a better idea for Biden’s bumper sticker, actually for all. As I think about what kind of president America needs, the slogan that comes to mind was suggested by the environmental innovator Hal Harvey. Harvey didn’t know he was suggesting it; he just happened to sign off a recent email to me by writing:

"Respect science, respect nature, respect each other"

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Topics: Beyond Teal, teal

Visionary's Paradox Handbook

Posted by Bruce Peters

Many years ago I read Watts Wacker’s and Jim Taylor’s “The Visionary’s Handbook”. Among the benefits of Covid is a revisiting of the book’s lining the various shelves in my workspace. The concepts explored in the book written near twenty years ago is, if possible, even more relevant today. 

There are “Nine Paradoxes That Will Shape The Future of Your Business”. 

Each paradox stands on its own, but in combination are powerful reminders about the questions and the answers that will shape our times. My preference in writing has been to ask questions that provoke rather than provide answers. This book is all about questions stimulated by the paradoxes, and more than satisfies my preference. 

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Topics: Beyond Teal, teal

Is Purpose Overrated?

Posted by Bruce Peters

Whenever an idea or concept becomes “conventional” it triggers in me an almost visceral reaction. Perhaps it’s Lee Thayer, a mentor who recently passed, that reminds “conventional thinking leads to conventional results”? Or, is it Joseph Campbell’s “the hero’s path is not on the path”? Or it is just in my nature to be contrarian and suspect of ideas or concepts in vogue. The call to finding your purpose, or your why, has become “conventional”. 

It seems like the whole advice giving world is on the “purpose” kick! Even Covid, protests, and daily Trump nonsense doesn’t get in the way. It’s as if we convince ourselves if I can find my purpose, all will be well, nirvana. 

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Topics: Beyond Teal, teal

Conventional Wisdom-Non Conventional Man

Posted by Bruce Peters

Hardly a day, or for that matter an hour in a day, goes by without a quote from Lee Thayer, or LT as I refer to him, popping into my head. For those that don’t know, he was a giant in the genre of “leadership”.

Today I learned that over the weekend Lee had passed.


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Topics: FLP, Beyond Teal, teal, lee thayer

“The Pursuit Of Loneliness” or Déjà Vu-Part II

Posted by Bruce Peters

Yesterday I wrote about Minneapolis/Louisville current events as launching personal flashbacks to the sixties. Despite some effort to avoid the news, video images and continuous commentating it all drew me in. In reality paying attention for me, is like an addiction.

First, as reminded by friends, colleagues, and family there have been some positive changes these past almost sixty years. Even many of the expert commentators acknowledge.

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Topics: FLP, Beyond Teal, teal

déjà vu all over again

Posted by Bruce Peters

Last evening concluding another lengthy day of remote connection with clients, family and friends prior to shutting down I clicked on the news. Some mistakes you know instantly! Time, present, past and future all folded into now. The mistake revealed itself on the screen in the vision of the flames leaping from the police station in Minneapolis. I was drawn in, mesmerized, hooked to the screen until early this morning. 

It has been said that “the more things change the more they stay the same.” 

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Topics: FLP, Beyond Teal, teal

Where there's a Will there's a Way

Posted by Bruce Peters

In this morning’s inbox there were many versions of the Guidelines for reopening. Reopening is now front and center. It also exposes, like most everything in these times, political divisions. There has been a lot of quibbling about the details, enough or not enough, etc. The Guidelines below from Act Rochester suffices as a reasonable summary.


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Topics: FLP, Beyond Teal, teal

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