Facilitative Leadership Program (virtual) Description
Helping to create work environments that are personally accountable and self-led
Beyond Teal presents a virtual Facilitative Leadership Program, based on the work of Bruce Peters, CEO of Beyond Teal.
The Facilitative Leadership Program (FLP) is led by Bruce Peters.
FLP includes a module called Creating & Guiding Self-Led Teams, based on the principles of Teal and Self-Led.
How the Program Works
- Six, 2-hour virtual sessions devoted to creating personal development and leadership growth
- Creation of the foundation for your personal, professional Learning Plan and Role Descriptio
- Pre and Post Session private one-to-one session with Bruce Peters
- Includes pre and post program course materials, resources, videos, and other content
Session One - "Setting the Stage"
- Leadership Defined and Designed: Inside and Out
- Group Dynamics: The Story of Teams and How to Lead Them Effectively
- Obligations: Leaders and Followers
Session Two - Group Dynamics: The Story of Teams: Who are Wilfred Bion and Jerry Harvey any way?
- Assessment: Leadership and Followership
- Clarity and Commitment in the Organizations DNA
- Seven Core Stratagems
Session Three - Building High Performing Teams: The importance and power of Roles
- Concept and Importance of Roles
- How to Make Performance Necessary
- Introduction to the "Requisite Organization"
Session Four - Making Performance Possible and Necessary
- Understanding communication and “framing”
- Being accomplished at leading with questions
- Achieving mastery of “Improv” techniques
Session Five - Accountability and Leadership By Agreement
- Putting the ensemble, and keeping the ensemble, on course
- Ingeniously fulfilling the ever-changing demands of their role
- Optimizing individual returns from group performance
Session Six - Tools in the Facilitative Leaders Toolkit: Bring it all together.
- Coaching and Mentoring Others (Intro. Course 101)
- Recap and Creation of Accountability Plan
- What’s Next
Commitment / Investment
- Participate in all six scheduled sessions, contributing your skills and knowledge to assist your fellow FLP Connect group members
- Attend the One-to-Ones and create follow up Leadership Skills Action Plan
- Maintain strict confidentiality about all issues discussed among members