Growing the Team: Culture, Accountability & Leadership

Posted by Bruce Peters

This month I was privileged to be on a panel of presenters on the topic of Building and Sustaining High Performance Teams. We spoke to a a diverse audience of community business leaders and Human Resource professionals. 


The panelists were asked to address these three areas:

  • Attracting Talent
  • Grow the Team
  • Talent Retention

Growing the Team, my topic, was sandwiched between the others. In our work, we've had the opportunity to work with hundreds of CEOs and their teams, and have learned from the best in the business about creating High Performance Learning Organizations. 

When it was my turn, here's how I started my presentation...

"How many of you believe growing your team is important?" 
100% raised their hands.
'How many of you believe growing your team gives you a strategic, competitive advantage?' 
All hands went up.
'If your organization had the reputation of growing their people, do you believe it would help to attract and retain talent?' 
Again, all hands went up.
'How many of you have a Personal Development & Learning Plan, or made it a requirement of your team, or in your company?' 
Honestly, there were only a few hands raised.  
 'So, if you don't have a Personal Development & Learning Plan, how can you expect it of your team?'
What can you do about it?  Two things:
  1. Take ownership of developing your own Personal Development & Learning Plan
  2. Provide the foundation and motivation to grow your organization's Personal Development & Learning Plan

Everyone get's the idea, and agrees it would be beneficial, even a competitive advantage to their business, but few follow up and actually do it.  I guess if it was easy, everyone would do it.  Do you want to have your team be your competitive advantage?

In our Facilitative Leadership Program - Building A Culture of Accountability and Leadership (FLP), one of the themes is to get the participants to take ownership of their Personal Development & Learning Plan. By the end of the program they have developed that plan, and take their learning and development model back to their organizations. Our FLP groups are high performers, learning together!

So, what are you waiting for. You get it!  Now will you actually do it?

Want to learn more about creating a high performance organization?  Learn about our Facilitative Leadership Program.

  Register Now!

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